About Dr Elizabeth Swallow

Dr. Elizabeth Swallow  believes in treating the whole person with compassion, curiosity and skill. Elizabeth enjoys facilitating treatments that assist a person towards homeostasis in an effective and educational way. Elizabeth has received extensive training in western and eastern body modalities; craniosacral training; and a variety of emotional liberation techniques. Dr. Elizabeth draws from a unique tool box to work with when creating treatment plans. 

She is a graduate of Pacific College of Health and Sciences and holds a Doctorate in Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture/Herbs and a masters of science in Traditional Chinese medicine. Her somatic education includes both western and eastern modalities with a focus on the energetic blueprint, anatomical structural system and effective communication skills with the intention to harmonize the body/mind/spirit. She is a UCSD alumni holding two degrees in Art History and cultural anthropology with an emphasis on visceral movement practice/performance and ritual.  

Dr. Elizabeth was drawn to somatic modalities as a way to understand the mechanics of the body; to learn how to move efficiently as a professional dancer/performer/teacher; and to learn how to regulate emotions. The professions organically influence one another and fuels her passion in research making her treatments dynamic and socially inclusive. 

My movement research includes Biodynamic Craniosacral Movement (moving out of pain); authentic movement, and bone marrow healing. Biodynamic Craniosacral Movement was inspired by the particular ritual the Biodynamic Craniosacral practitioner uses to prepare for a treatment. This is very relaxing and can deepen the receiver’s body awareness of health and movement. Authentic Movement is an expressive improvisational/movement practice that allows a group of participants a type of free association of the body. It was started by Mary Starks Whitehouse in the 1950s as a “movement in depth” practice. 

Elizabeth strongly believes in offering a systematic way for the patient to learn how to integrate the health benefits achieved in the treatments in a functional way. When the energetic pattern shifts in the body the mind follows organically. In order for these shifts to become sustainable, the body/mind needs a simple daily practice to ground the changes in the body/mind that can foster healthy habits to turn into characteristic traits.